On May 8, 2021, the group of Polish radio amateurs: Marek SP4ELF, Jurek SP2GUB, Adam SQ2DOL, Piotr SQ4MIK, and Jarek SQ4IOB realized optical communication (481 THz) between the locators KO04nd40DA and KO04fi31GV for a distance of 50.018 km. So they have broken the magic limit of 50 km! Congratulations! Read more on: http://mikrofale.cafe/showthread.php?tid=248 https://pk-ukf.pl/optyczne-qso-na-odleglosc-50km/ Pictures: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNqhgzWZOJDFAMIwAlOCQ1vXA-EPRS9rTA-oRjSj8ranU7N7XbhAZJlsWPDFoyPqg?key=NWoxVk02UW1jbHp6NWVVX1Y3a2JYb1dtcExwRUd3 Cover picture: https://pk-ukf.pl/optyczne-qso-na-odleglosc-50km/#iLightbox[gallery5661]/0 Thank…
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