76GHz record from 2014

AD6IW Goran World Record 76 GHz microwave radio equipment

Do you know, the current world distance record on the 76 GHz band is 289 kilometers (180 mi) and set by US stations AD6IW and KF6KVG / K6GZA on June 14, 2014?

Here we bring short video and few pictures:

Goran AD6IW Rig

Here is list of records set in others countries:

08 Mar 2011, DL2AM/P and DJ5AP/P, distance 224 km, CW Tropo

15 October 2017, OK1AIY/P and OK1FPC/P, distance 141 km, SSB Tropo

18 July 2019, VK4FB and VK4CSD, distance 170.1 km

23 November, G8KQW and G8CUB, 129 km


Thank you Goran AD6IW for the pictures and video.

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