Do you know, the current world distance record on the 76 GHz band is 289 kilometers (180 mi) and set by US stations AD6IW and KF6KVG / K6GZA on June 14, 2014?
Here we bring short video and few pictures:
Here is list of records set in others countries:
08 Mar 2011, DL2AM/P and DJ5AP/P, distance 224 km, CW Tropo
15 October 2017, OK1AIY/P and OK1FPC/P, distance 141 km, SSB Tropo
18 July 2019, VK4FB and VK4CSD, distance 170.1 km
23 November, G8KQW and G8CUB, 129 km
Thank you Goran AD6IW for the pictures and video.